Saturday, March 25, 2006

Blah di Blog

Today is the final episode of local dance-competition “Strictly Come Dancing”. The concept was that 8 local celebs (who have never danced ballroom before) team up with 8 profession dancers and have to learn how to dance (at performers level) in a matter of weeks. Each week, one of the couples has been voted off, leaving only the finalists. Can’t wait for tonight to see who will win. I think it will be Michelle Garforth and her partner, as the other two are much too showy.

It is also presented most entertainingly by the quirky Ian von Memerty, whose show, Captain Entertainment, I want to catch when it comes here in April.

I loved ballroom dancing sooo much when I was doing it (for about a year). As soon as my balance is recovered enough, I want to start again. That and riding my bicycle. They are the two things I miss the most that require balance and a bit of stamina. Still, it’s good to have a wish-list, as you never know what might happen, right?
Oh, and going for long and leisurely walks with Michael. I used to adore that. I love peeping into all the different gardens as we go past.

Tomorrow is my Sis-in-law’s birthday. I hope with all my heart that this will be a truly magnificent year for her.

My parents-in-law are doing so well on their weight-watchers diet. They are getting sexier by the day, the two of them!

I plan to spend hours reading my Gary Larson books tomorrow. I feel like a good laugh.
Also want to go and visit my parents.

I decided to give Batman Begins a skip. I’m very selective about what I watch these days. I’m giving up LOST as it is just too much to slog through one of those episodes. I can’t stand it anymore. Also local drama ‘Binnelanders’. It is just moving too slow for words. Surely there must be better stuff to watch and spend my time on.

Well, luckily there’s Strictly Come Dancing, and also showing tonight is Shirley Valentine, which I am finally going to watch (as recommended by Wenchy).

And there are always books. These days I would much rather read a book than watch TV, anyway.

I’m walking like an old man with gout. Not sexy at all! I guess I’m just overtired from our shopping trip. I think I must start eating lower G.I. as well. Better for energy levels.
I’ve decided that I’m only going to update my blog over weekends. It’s just too expensive going online all the time with a dial-up connection. That way, I’ll also have plenty of news saved up by the weekend, so I won’t have to waffle on about inconsequential crap, lol.

Rain, rain, go away; come again another day!

Anyone remember that little childhood ditty?
Must've worked, because I see the sun is peeking out its head.

We got such a nice surprise last night. Melany, Tommie and the kids came for a visit, bringing with them some Lindt Lindor choccies for us. It was actually for Micahel, to say thank you for fetching the kids from school two days this week. Which was totally unnecessary, (that’s what family is for, after all) but still very much appreciated. We’ve been trying to get hold of those chocolates for ages after being seduced by the television ad. They were worth the wait. A total melt-in-your-mouth experience. Thanks guys.

Sadly (for him), Michael lost at Sudoku last night. It was only by split seconds, but hey, I don’t make the rules. It was nice though. We had our new cd on in the background. Just lovely.

Mike has gotten us a movie to watch. A bit of a bloke one, Batman Begins, but it looks nice for a rainy Saturday afternoon.

My grandparents are coming home. They’ve been visiting my aunty in Jo’burg since December, but now my mom has found them a place in a local old-age home. Yay. Can’t wait to see them.

Annie’s coming to visit a bit for the school holidays. Can’t wait for that, either.

I’m feeling a bit sad at the state of my skin due to all the cortisone. (I’d be a lot sadder though if I couldn’t walk). But still, it’s not nice. But at least I think I do walk a happy line between conventional meds and holistic health. I think it can be to your detriment to just blindly follow either course, you need to strike that happy medium.

It was feeling distinctly wintry this morning. Apart from the rain. Shame, Quintus’ first ever rugby-match got cancelled. The little tyke must have been so disappointed.

I was so lucky yesterday. I was trying to slice the last piece of bread, which was a bit hard, and my hand slipped and I ran the (sharp, serrated) bread-knife over my left hand. I was checking to see if all my fingers were still intact, but miraculously it didn’t even draw blood. Thank goodness. I hate cuts on my hands.
There is a smell of cheese-bun wafting up the stairs that is driving me nuts. I’ve been laying off the dairy (except for the Lindt last night, but really, that’s in a class of its own). So cheese is a bit of a no-no, and ordinarily I’m not that crazy over cheese, but cheesy-buns are another story. Maybe I’ll just have a half… (lol)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Back to (blogging) business

Happily, I seem to be regaining my energy after being laid low with the flu. We went on a little outing during lunch. A) To look at the new Polo, which we’re thinking of buying, B) to go to the bookshop (me) and CD shop (Michael) and C) to go to the health-shop to buy some ingredients for the health-bread I want to make.
Point is, I got around quite nicely and wasn’t that tired when we got home. The bookshop was a disappointment. None of the books that I wanted were there. I was hoping to find Gem squash Tokoloshe there, but no luck. All the Alex McCall books were there, except the one I wanted. And no Carole Matthews books, only the one I already have. Still, no worries. I have a feeling that April is 20% discount month on
Michael was a bit luckier. He got the CD he was after, local singer Theuns Jordaan. So far, I like it. Nice easy-listening stuff.
I got what I wanted at the health-shop. Lovely stone-milled, unrefined flour and natural sweetener, Stevia. It’s derived from some plant in South America. 2 drops = 1 tsp sugar, and it only has something ridiculous like 15kj per serving. I found this great bread recipe, and I’ve always wanted to make bread. I’ll give it a bash tomorrow. The article said that most of us are pretty deficient in vit. E, as it all gets stripped during the refining process and we’re left with nothing. So I’m gonna try and make my own natural loafie. More importantly, it won’t have all the preservatives and crap that commercially baked stuff has in it. My big problem is the anti-caking agents used (containing my nemesis, the dreaded Aluminium).

The lady next door asked us if we’d mind if she practiced her singing in the afternoons. We were a bit nervous about that, but today I heard her for the first time, and it was most entertaining. She sings with backing music and has a distinctly ‘country’ style. Also a lovely voice, I quite enjoyed it. I wonder if she is planning to launch a CD.

I’m fasting today. Amazing how little is fazes me now. It used to be such a big deal, now I hardly bother mentioning it to Michael. It’s quite a fascinating subject, once you start reading up on it. Apparently one’s own natural interferons are released while fasting. I much prefer the idea of that than having synthetic (or worse, animal) interferons injected into me. I’m a big fan of just letting the body go about its business of healing itself, and apparently this is precisely what regular fasting achieves.

LOST tonight. Hope it’s better than last week’s episode.
Whipped Mike’s butt at Sudoku the other night. Rematch tonight, he is a sucker for punishment, lol.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Snoozy Sunday

I’m feeling distinctly better now. Still a bit run down but I guess that’s to be expected from the flu. I think I may have had dog-flu, because I spent the last week barking all week. At least, that’s what it felt like.

I had such a lovely Sunday. My mom came to visit and we watched RAY together. We’ve been going through a bit of a Ray Charles period anyway, music-wise, so it was a treat. I can totally see why Jamie Foxx received an Oscar for his part.

Michael went to play golf in Jo’burg, only got back about 30 mins ago. I’m in disgrace for telling him about a male polar bear ripping a cub apart for food while he was eating his steak. What can I say, I wasn’t thinking. It’s not like I was eating the steak so good table manners kinda slipped my mind.

I loved the polar bear doccie. I forgot how much I love my nature films. It was so interesting. I’ll probably wax lyrical about it tomorrow, but right now I’m too sleepy to bother. (Or to put my new signature to good use. Thanks Wenchy ;-)

Watch this space tho.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

sniff sniff cough cough

I felt so down last night. This flu has taken me way backwards in terms of my symptoms, etc. I have very little energy, and get exacerbated easily, which means that I battle to walk around the flat.

My logic tells me that this due to the flu, and that it will reverse, now that I’m feeling better (flu-wise) but I’ve been through this so many times before that I find it really emotionally traumatic.

This morning, however, I feel considerably more perky and positive about the whole thing. I’m ready to tackle the bull by the horns again.

Amazingly, I’ve gotten through the whole episode without resorting to comfort food. In fact, yesterday I managed to do the 24 hour fast that I’ve been putting off for so long. (Come to think of it, no wonder I felt depro). My system feels like it’s running clean again.

I have this craving for Jungle Oats this morning. Gonna make myself a nice pot later on. I bought some nice sweet molasses the other day to have in lieu of syrup on the oats. Apart from loving the taste, it has loads of vitamins (B-vitamins and potassium and calcium especially). All the goodness that gets taken out of sugar during the refining process. The sweet molasses is better than the regular kind, because it’s been de-sulphered, which removes the slightly bitter taste.

LOST was so boring last night I nearly fell asleep.

Seeing as I’m no longer rewarding myself with food, I think it’s time for a nice book order on

Watched ‘Must Love Dogs’, with Diane Lane (whom I love!) and John Cusack. It was so, so nice. Lovely script. I really set a lot of store by a witty and intelligent script. Keep your special effects, really. I want to hear real people speaking,
I was visited by one of my ex-colleagues yesterday, and her 10 month old baby girl. I felt broody when they arrived. Not so much by the time they left, lol. But it was so great seeing them. The little one is by far the friendliest baby I have ever seen. So adorable, and plump in all the right places. I love a plump baby.

Monday, March 13, 2006


I’m back again. Had a really lovely weekend, apart from being as sick as the proverbial dog. Haven’t slept much all weekend, thanks to a grizzly cough. Seems to be getting better, though, touch wood.

My Michael is nearly home from the Cape, after completing a sub-four-hour Argus (cycle race). That is so impressive. I’m so very proud of him, and very glad that he’s safe and sound. I was a little worried on the day, as it was raining on and off. Not ideal conditions. Can’t wait to see him. Oooh! He just phoned to say that we are officially in the same town. I’ll be seeing him any minute now.

I went to the shops with my mom today. It was a bit of an ordeal, as I was coughing and snotting all over everything all the time, lol. I actually had a roll of toilet paper in my hand-bag, because tissues just can’t cope with the way my nose is running. Not very elegant at all.

I was very tired after the shopping trip. I could barely walk into the flat, luckily I had my walker with me. I’m not overly concerned about it, though, as it is the first time I’ve been out after having such a run-in with the flu. No wonder I’m as weak as a kitten.

I want to buy Freshly Ground’s CD. I am crazy about their music. And so in the mood for a new CD, anyway. And a new book. And a new item of clothing. And a new kitchen appliance… What can I say? I want to spend some money.

Speaking of books, I am enjoying Carol Matthews You drive me crazy SO much. I’m about halfway. Talk about therapy – I’m loving every minute of it.

Last night I watched Million Dollar Baby on TV. It was actually a really nice story, but I did find it very depressing. Keep thinking of it, though. It was quite beautiful. Mocashla. Actually, it was more terrifyingly than depressing. It dealt with something that I really find scarily amiss in the medical profession, i.e. keeping a person that is totally paralysed and dependent on a respirator alive against her will. That is surely a serious human rights violation. I mean, you wouldn’t even do that to an animal.

On that cheerful note, let me take myself off and have another hacking coughing fit.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Ever just feel like waffling on?

Got up at 6:30 this morning. Not that I’m turning into a lark or anything, it was just a pleasure to get up, with the whole post-nasal drip thing. Had to laugh at Michael yesterday. When he spoke to me on the phone, he said that I’m sounding ‘anal’. Guess he meant ‘nasal’ but it’s pretty spot-on, either way.
I had an awful night. Still feel grotty but I can feel I’m over the worst. Yesterday was the highpoint (or lowpoint, whichever way you want to look at it) of my flu. The sore throat has buggered off, and I can cope with the rest of it. I feel woozy, and look it. You know how your eyes positively start hanging from lack of sleep and all the nose-blowing? I look haggard.

Michael only left this morning (3am) but I’ve been missing him since last night. I so hope that I haven’t made him sick as well. He said he felt a bit sniffly before he left.

Saw the most beautiful display of clouds the other day (me having such a cloud-fetish and all). They were thin and feathery, like the pattern on a guinea fowl, with the setting-sun behind them. It looked kinda like when the earth is hard-baked and starts to crack. I wish I had a photo.

Ever given a double-sneeze, where they aren’t quite simultaneous, but sort of overlap each other? It’s the weirdest feeling. Not nice, either. I could really do without that right now. My nose is bleeding from all the blowing/ sneezing.

I’m a world-class whinger, I know!

Time for another lozenge. I think they may be a bit addictive. I love eucalyptus. Maybe I was a koala-bear in a past life. (Except, I don’t really believe in the whole past-life lark).

I’m still enjoying the whole Gary Larson thing SO much. There are a couple of things that just instantly put me in a great mood, and he is one of them.
The others would be: (off the top of my head):
Playing the piano.
Michael, in one of his ‘funny-bunny’ moods.
Any one of my sisters. (They’re all a bit loony in the sense of humour department, ha ha)
My godchildren.
Pizza. Lol (Or chocolate, while we’re on the subject).
Marion Keyes. (Or any other good authour).
Kenny Rogers, ABBA, Queen, The Supremes, etc.
Being able to walk comfortably.

My walking’s been a bit off-kilter with the whole flu-thing. Probably because I’m expending all my energy sneezing.

I am so not having a good experience with this computer chair today. First its one wheel came off, and then I managed to ride over my own foot.

Read an interesting article about Mozart yesterday. It’s the 250 year anniversary of his birth, and Salzburg, Austria is going so ballistic with the merchandise and memorabilia to commemorate it that they are thinking of re-christening it ‘Schmaltzburg’. I wouldn’t mind going, if I had the funds. They’re playing all his operas and concertos etc. during the course of their Summer.
Apparently Mozart, for all his genius, had a very crude and comic side to him. His dear wife actually had his (vulgar) private letters published for all the world to see. I must be a pretty suspicious person, because that is exactly the sort of thing that worries me about dying, i.e., that everyone will have a good old laugh at the stuff I leave behind one day.

I loved the movie ‘Amadeus’.

Smells like someone’s smoking a zol outside my window. (A zol is a hand-rolled cigarette, rolled with newspaper). Frankly, I think I prefer the smell of a zol to an ordinary cigarette, but it’s still not my favourite smell in the world.

The leaves on my beloved tree are curling up, turning brown and falling off. Winter (the bastard) is on its way.

I’m leaving now to spend the long weekend at my parents’ house. I’ll be back on Monday night, when Michael gets back. Don’t know how I’ll make it till then without blogging! I may have attachment issues to a little acre of cyber-space, lol. Till then…

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I hate the flu.

I feel as sick as a dog with the flu today. Really yuck. I wonder if I can be vertical for long enough to finish this post, in fact. My throat is sore, my nose is managing to be simultaneously clogged and runny. And I’ve got a lot of phlegm, fluorescent green in colour. Was that too much information? Michael seemed to think so, lol. I of course made the decision to eat super-healthily from today on. (Although this may be a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted). Thing is, when I was eating so well, I only got flu once in four years, and that was thanks to a bout of cortisone therapy. Anyway, Mike (the sweetheart) came home with a litre of my favourite (vanilla) yoghurt. I could fool myself into thinking it’s healthy (low-fat, live cultures, etc.) but the truth is, I should be avoiding dairy. It only makes me more phlegmmy than ever.

M is leaving tomorrow for Cape Town, where he will be doing a rather grueling cycle race. So I don’t want to go within ten paces of him in case I make him sick too. Such bad timing. I’ll only see him again on Monday.

A bit of good news is that Karina and her family will be moving back to Jo’ies in July. Yay! They have been stationed in Mali for the past five years. They have declined the job offer in Australia, and have gotten a good counter offer from my BIL’s current employer, plus will get to come back to SA. It will be great seeing more of them. And I know the kids will be thrilled to get to go to SA schools.

Feeling a bit better now. Just watched the repeat of my fave local soapie, which I missed last night. And Michael went to the health shop and bought me some zinc lozenges that I’ve been wanting to try for ages. I alwys say I’m just waiting for a sore throat to try them, and now here it is. And I must say, it seems to be working like a bomb. I’m impressed. They have a lovely menthol/ eucalyptus flavour, too. My nasal passages feel clear for the first time all week. Viva!
Now I’m going to crawl back in bed. Sonja gave me a book by Carol Matthews (who I love) for my birthday, and I just haven’t gotten round to reading it yet. The first chapter was so cute, I love it already. Think I’ll stay in bed all day with it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Nice day day, after all.

Michael and I ended up having a wonderful day in Jo’burg, and believe me, his shares are high.

I was so stressed out last night. I couldn’t find a blank cd for the stuff I wanted to write for my sister (whom I saw today), my throat was sore and worst of all, I couldn’t find the letter from the insurance company to the neurologist with the form he has to fill in, and also saying they would foot the bill. I’ve seen it dozens of times in my stationery drawer over the past couple of weeks, but last night it was gone. I went through that drawer three times from top to bottom, to no avail. Eventually, very tearfully, I went to bed just a little ball of stress. What the hell was I going to do?

Next morning, M made it all better. He found the letter (it was next to my side of the bed, I’d used it as a bookmark, *blush* ) He also came up with a blank cd, and even borrowed his dad’s GPS so that we didn’t have to worry about getting lost. A distinct possibility, believe me. We ended up having a really fun outing, M & M on another whirlwind adventure (Shrek2)

We ate at a very overpriced cafeteria at the hospital where the neuro is. I hate it when sick people get exploited, those prices are exorbitant and the service was poor. I had to smile though, when I read the ad on the table: Please buy our buns; we knead the dough. Isn’t that cute? Then I saw a little animal out of the corner of my eye, looked like a small dog. It went under my chair, and when I bent down, I saw it was a fat pigeon. He walked around as if he owned the place, too tame for words. M said it looked like it was part of the dove mafia. The doffia. I know people, touch me and see what happens. It was written all over his face.

The neurologist’s waiting room was empty, to our glee. We weren’t pleased for long, though. He was actually not even there, stuck in traffic coming back from a court case (yikes). Not only that, but there were loads of people in front of us in the queue, but they’d actually been appraised of his absence and had buggered off to catch a bite to eat, or something. We ended up being there for about two hours. He eventually breezed in, not even bothering to greet anyone, nevermind apologise for his tardiness.

The neurologist looks like Jack Nicholson, only older and uglier. Same eyebrows. He just waffles on for ages without letting anyone else (me!) get a word in edgewise. Then when I do get a gap to talk, he interrupts me. Definitely didn’t leave there any the wiser, (immaterial, as I still believe I’m cured) but it seems like he won’t be vetoing the revision of my disability pension. Looks like I’m still enough of a ‘krok’ to qualify for my old pensiontjie.

My throat is as sore as hell, btw. I hope I’m not in for it.

Next, we went to my sister’s place of work. It’s a lovely primary school, if slightly reminiscent of Fort Knox. She is looking lovely, and you just see how the kids love her. It was so nice seeing her. She told us this joke:

A lion, a shark and a chicken are talking about which of them is the scariest. The lion says, “I’m king of the jungle. When I roar, everyone listens.” The shark says, “Ooh, that’s nothing, I terrorise the whole ocean, if I so much as flip my tail, everyone scatters.”
“So what?” says the chicken. “If I just cough, everyone sh*ts in their pants.”

I thought that was classic.

On a patriotic note, isn’t it great that South Africa won the Oscar for best foreign film. Way to go, Tsotsi!

On a sadder note, I heard on the news that Christopher Reeves’ widow passed away today. I was so sad to hear that, as I saw her on Oprah not so long ago, and thought she was absolutely courageous and amazing. I’m so sorry she lost her battle. At least they are together now, but I feel so sad for their son. In a couple of years, he has lost both his parents. What a terrible blow that must be.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I just had the most amazing experience. I went with my sister, Sonja and her husband to the 3-D scan of their baby. It was so moving and unbelievable. We could see the little guy’s face in such detail. He’s got this perfect little nose, and a little pointed chin, and these huge cheeks. I’m in love. He obviously didn’t like all the prodding that was going on to make him move, and he gave this frown to show it. He also kept his hand in front of his face, exactly like a celeb facing a bunch of the paparazzi. He is also quite definitely a boy. No doubt about it. I’m so glad they invited me with.

Off to the neuro tomorrow. I'll be glad when that's over and done with.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Special day.

What a lovely day!

This morning we attended little Zander’s baptism. The man of the moment looked gorgeous in his little outfit, and his two brothers looked sooo smart in their church-clothes, complete with little ties. Beautiful children.

Afterwards, we went to Mel’s in-laws for some tea and eats. Her MIL is the best cook ever. Michael cousin Juliette was there, who we haven’t seen since our wedding. Her little boy is just too cute for words. It was nice chatting to her. I get the feeling the two of us would be very good friends if we got to see more of each other.

I also finally got to meet Mel’s friend, Christel (a.k.a Wenchy). Very cool, as I felt like I’ve known her for years, thanks to blogging. It felt weird, like being introduced to a good friend that you’ve known for ages. You know each other well, yet you’ve never met. I love the internet.

Had to leave the party early as Michael had a golf-date. I was disappointed, but in a way it was a good thing, because I didn’t have a great day, physically, and was pretty tired. When I got home I had to lie down for a while, which would have been a bit of a party pooper, I imagine.

Then I phoned my grandparents in Jo’burg and had a lovely chat with and my cousin Tim. Even though we’ve never met, that I can remember, as soon as I heard his voice I knew it was family. We chatted for ages, it was so great. Him and his girl are expecting their first babe in May. Looks like it’s going to be a little girl. He invited M & I to come and visit them in Scotland. How great would that be. I think we must start saving.

Then I whipped Michael’s butt at Sudoku. Unfortunately didn’t know when to quit and subsequently had my butt whipped.
He’s calling me now to go watch Double Jeopardy with him. I’ve been meaning to watch that for ages, so I’ll say goodnight, adieu and asta la vista, baby.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I seem to be okay again...yes, definitely

I do feel better this morning. Perkiness factor: a solid 7 (at least), and increasing every hour. Let’s not forget I’m never at my best in the morning, lol.

The surge of rogue hormones seems to have abated, so everyone in this residence can heave a sigh of relief. Yes, that means you, Michael.

I’m actually only kidding around. I’m generally pretty laid back, even with a heady case of PMS to contend with. But just don’t provoke me, okay? Because I ain’t gonna take it lying down. But if you leave me alone, or better yet, buy me a chocolate, I’ll be more than fine.

Nice tv on today. Superman, starring the amazing Christopher Reeves is showing, and you know, I have never seen it. Not once. So I definitely want to catch that. Then tonight is showing Amelie, the French film that had everyone talking and garnered five Oscar nominations. I’ve wanted to see that for ages, looks like just my kind of movie. Starting at 9:30pm, so perfect time slot for moi. Of course, I have a baptism to attend tomorrow, but that is only starting at 10am, so that is also a pretty good time-slot for me.

We have this gorgeous and very brilliantly green tree right outside our bedroom window. I just love it. I think we would have moved from here long since if it hadn’t of been for that tree. Someone told me it’s an Umbrella tree, which makes sense because it looks for all the world like a big, green umbrella.

Anyhoo, it has this seasonal thing that it does. Normally not a nice thing, because it’s a sure sign that Winter is approaching. It has these round pods, containing its seeds, I guess. This time of year, the pods explode open, and pieces of shrapnel hit our window pane at an alarming velocity scaring the living daylights out of us. This goes on the whole day, and after the first 500 times of thinking you’re being attacked, you start getting used to it, although sometimes it still catches you unawares and you nearly jump out of your skin. Gotta love our tree. (At least we figured out what it was. The first year we lived here, we thought it was someone knocking on our window at night. And we live on the second storey, lol).

Seeing as how I’m always bitching about the neighbours, I must write this. There is such a lovely family that has moved in next to us on the other side of the whippersnappers. They are a family of five, which must be extremely challenging, given the size of the flat. But you wouldn’t say there are children living here at all. We don’t hear them at all. Except in the afternoons when they come and play outside on the grass in front. Then they shout and squeal a bit, proving that they are, in factm real children. But they speak so nicely to each other, you can hear they are quality people. I take my hat off to the parents for making it work.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Memory Lane...

Was looking through some old holiday photo’s of ours and just felt a crushing weight of nostalgia for when I could walk carefreely on the beach and tirelessly build sandcastles spelling our initials.

I’m not any less grateful for my recovery, or any less hopeful for the future. But I can’t help seeing the look on my face in those photo’s. I knew at the time that those were perfect moments. At least I can say that. I least I appreciated them. It was the best holiday I ever went on in my life. I have tears in my eyes now from looking at the photos…and remembering.

I feel a bit better than at the time of my last post. The headaches have more or less gone, at least. I think it was one of three things that caused them: a) the blow to my head, b) the fact that my spectacles were bent at a slight angle, causing eye-strain or c) aforementioned chemical in cosmetics. Still, seems to be gone, so I’ll take it at that.

I feel a bit mournful, but I’ll put it down to the PMS.
Underwent a bit of a reconciliation with person who insulted me. Not quite as satisfactorily as I had hoped, but I guess it’s not a quantum leap to figure that my PMS may have had a little to do with it all. (Due to the fact that I may have been more sensitive than usual).
I usually escape totally from the whole PMS thing, so that is why I a) didn’t recognize it for what it was, and b) didn’t know how to cope with it.

I’m looking forward to having my nephews over to visit tomorrow. We plan to watch Gummi Bear videos and bake a cake. Yikes!
I’m sure I’ll be back to my ultra-perky self tomorrow, anyway.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I’m feeling so upset right now. Someone that I care about has hurt me deeply. Climbed totally into my character, I’m still smarting from the words. Apparently I’m a rude and unsociable person who will reap what she’s sowed. I did little to provoke this outburst. I’m just trying to be calm and realize that it is more about this other person than it is about me. But it still hurts.

I have this persistent headache that I can’t shake. Can’t figure it out, unless it’s still a detox thing.

At least I’m reading a really gorgeous book that makes me laugh at every page: The Wives of Bath (thanks Mel)
Thought I may have to buy a new outfit for the baptism, as I don’t think the shorts and tee’s I’ve been living in will quite cut it at church. But I went visiting my parents today and found one of the dresses I used to wear to work. That’ll do. I’ve actually missed getting a bit dressed up sometimes.