Thursday, March 09, 2006

I hate the flu.

I feel as sick as a dog with the flu today. Really yuck. I wonder if I can be vertical for long enough to finish this post, in fact. My throat is sore, my nose is managing to be simultaneously clogged and runny. And I’ve got a lot of phlegm, fluorescent green in colour. Was that too much information? Michael seemed to think so, lol. I of course made the decision to eat super-healthily from today on. (Although this may be a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted). Thing is, when I was eating so well, I only got flu once in four years, and that was thanks to a bout of cortisone therapy. Anyway, Mike (the sweetheart) came home with a litre of my favourite (vanilla) yoghurt. I could fool myself into thinking it’s healthy (low-fat, live cultures, etc.) but the truth is, I should be avoiding dairy. It only makes me more phlegmmy than ever.

M is leaving tomorrow for Cape Town, where he will be doing a rather grueling cycle race. So I don’t want to go within ten paces of him in case I make him sick too. Such bad timing. I’ll only see him again on Monday.

A bit of good news is that Karina and her family will be moving back to Jo’ies in July. Yay! They have been stationed in Mali for the past five years. They have declined the job offer in Australia, and have gotten a good counter offer from my BIL’s current employer, plus will get to come back to SA. It will be great seeing more of them. And I know the kids will be thrilled to get to go to SA schools.

Feeling a bit better now. Just watched the repeat of my fave local soapie, which I missed last night. And Michael went to the health shop and bought me some zinc lozenges that I’ve been wanting to try for ages. I alwys say I’m just waiting for a sore throat to try them, and now here it is. And I must say, it seems to be working like a bomb. I’m impressed. They have a lovely menthol/ eucalyptus flavour, too. My nasal passages feel clear for the first time all week. Viva!
Now I’m going to crawl back in bed. Sonja gave me a book by Carol Matthews (who I love) for my birthday, and I just haven’t gotten round to reading it yet. The first chapter was so cute, I love it already. Think I’ll stay in bed all day with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH Maggs, sorry to hear you are feeling so sick!!! I'm sure your mom will nurse you back to health this weekend :)

3:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feel better soon! Zinc lozenges are great. So is eating chewable vitamin C like candy until you poop the cold right out of you!!

5:40 pm  
Blogger Wenchy said...

Hope you better soon!

9:29 pm  

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