Saturday, February 25, 2006


Eeeeuw! The grasshopper is still there. I must remember to ask Michael to take it away before I step on it.

I had such a lovely morning with Taryn, my niece. We watched The Parent Trap, did some beading, made a banana-bread and read a story. She’s such a sparky little thing. Then, when her parents came to fetch her, I gave Aiden (Ta’s baby sister) her birthday present, a little Winnie-the-pooh hand puppet. Aiden gave me the most beautiful smile. It totally melted my heart. I have to learn how to change a nappy so that she can visit here too. Can you believe I’ve gotten to the ripe old age of 26 without ever changing a nappy? Shameful, shocking, I know. Best I learn soon, so that I can have Aiden, and her sister Reilly (due in July) over. And Sonja’s Christopher, when he comes. And Zander.

I had a premonition that I was going to get hurt today. Thought I might fall down the stairs, so I was really careful. Then, when I was lifting something out of my bottom kitchen, I stood up and gashed my head open on the upper cupboard door, which was standing open. I fell down, and saw stars for a moment. It was seriously painful, worse than when I had my dental surgery. Can’t really see it, due to my hair, and the thick blood clot it’s formed, but it’s rather alarmingly painful. Can’t go near it. I think it’s quite deep. I’m worried about it going bad, so I’ll have to brave it, and jab some antiseptic on. Ouch!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch is right!! A premonition, eh? (yes, I'm Canadian haha) Hmmm... have you had any premonitions about me lately? Hee!

6:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch that sounds painful. Glad you had a nice time with Taryn.
You must come visit, I'll let you change ALL Zander's nappies LOL

5:16 pm  

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