Friday, March 03, 2006

Memory Lane...

Was looking through some old holiday photo’s of ours and just felt a crushing weight of nostalgia for when I could walk carefreely on the beach and tirelessly build sandcastles spelling our initials.

I’m not any less grateful for my recovery, or any less hopeful for the future. But I can’t help seeing the look on my face in those photo’s. I knew at the time that those were perfect moments. At least I can say that. I least I appreciated them. It was the best holiday I ever went on in my life. I have tears in my eyes now from looking at the photos…and remembering.

I feel a bit better than at the time of my last post. The headaches have more or less gone, at least. I think it was one of three things that caused them: a) the blow to my head, b) the fact that my spectacles were bent at a slight angle, causing eye-strain or c) aforementioned chemical in cosmetics. Still, seems to be gone, so I’ll take it at that.

I feel a bit mournful, but I’ll put it down to the PMS.
Underwent a bit of a reconciliation with person who insulted me. Not quite as satisfactorily as I had hoped, but I guess it’s not a quantum leap to figure that my PMS may have had a little to do with it all. (Due to the fact that I may have been more sensitive than usual).
I usually escape totally from the whole PMS thing, so that is why I a) didn’t recognize it for what it was, and b) didn’t know how to cope with it.

I’m looking forward to having my nephews over to visit tomorrow. We plan to watch Gummi Bear videos and bake a cake. Yikes!
I’m sure I’ll be back to my ultra-perky self tomorrow, anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you made up.
My boys are so looking forward to their visit.

12:11 pm  

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