Back to (blogging) business
Happily, I seem to be regaining my energy after being laid low with the flu. We went on a little outing during lunch. A) To look at the new Polo, which we’re thinking of buying, B) to go to the bookshop (me) and CD shop (Michael) and C) to go to the health-shop to buy some ingredients for the health-bread I want to make.
Point is, I got around quite nicely and wasn’t that tired when we got home. The bookshop was a disappointment. None of the books that I wanted were there. I was hoping to find Gem squash Tokoloshe there, but no luck. All the Alex McCall books were there, except the one I wanted. And no Carole Matthews books, only the one I already have. Still, no worries. I have a feeling that April is 20% discount month on
Michael was a bit luckier. He got the CD he was after, local singer Theuns Jordaan. So far, I like it. Nice easy-listening stuff.
I got what I wanted at the health-shop. Lovely stone-milled, unrefined flour and natural sweetener, Stevia. It’s derived from some plant in South America. 2 drops = 1 tsp sugar, and it only has something ridiculous like 15kj per serving. I found this great bread recipe, and I’ve always wanted to make bread. I’ll give it a bash tomorrow. The article said that most of us are pretty deficient in vit. E, as it all gets stripped during the refining process and we’re left with nothing. So I’m gonna try and make my own natural loafie. More importantly, it won’t have all the preservatives and crap that commercially baked stuff has in it. My big problem is the anti-caking agents used (containing my nemesis, the dreaded Aluminium).
The lady next door asked us if we’d mind if she practiced her singing in the afternoons. We were a bit nervous about that, but today I heard her for the first time, and it was most entertaining. She sings with backing music and has a distinctly ‘country’ style. Also a lovely voice, I quite enjoyed it. I wonder if she is planning to launch a CD.
I’m fasting today. Amazing how little is fazes me now. It used to be such a big deal, now I hardly bother mentioning it to Michael. It’s quite a fascinating subject, once you start reading up on it. Apparently one’s own natural interferons are released while fasting. I much prefer the idea of that than having synthetic (or worse, animal) interferons injected into me. I’m a big fan of just letting the body go about its business of healing itself, and apparently this is precisely what regular fasting achieves.
LOST tonight. Hope it’s better than last week’s episode.
Whipped Mike’s butt at Sudoku the other night. Rematch tonight, he is a sucker for punishment, lol.
I'm so glad you are getting your strength back :) We want to get the CD too. Tommie totally loves the song "soos bloed"
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