Friday, March 10, 2006

Ever just feel like waffling on?

Got up at 6:30 this morning. Not that I’m turning into a lark or anything, it was just a pleasure to get up, with the whole post-nasal drip thing. Had to laugh at Michael yesterday. When he spoke to me on the phone, he said that I’m sounding ‘anal’. Guess he meant ‘nasal’ but it’s pretty spot-on, either way.
I had an awful night. Still feel grotty but I can feel I’m over the worst. Yesterday was the highpoint (or lowpoint, whichever way you want to look at it) of my flu. The sore throat has buggered off, and I can cope with the rest of it. I feel woozy, and look it. You know how your eyes positively start hanging from lack of sleep and all the nose-blowing? I look haggard.

Michael only left this morning (3am) but I’ve been missing him since last night. I so hope that I haven’t made him sick as well. He said he felt a bit sniffly before he left.

Saw the most beautiful display of clouds the other day (me having such a cloud-fetish and all). They were thin and feathery, like the pattern on a guinea fowl, with the setting-sun behind them. It looked kinda like when the earth is hard-baked and starts to crack. I wish I had a photo.

Ever given a double-sneeze, where they aren’t quite simultaneous, but sort of overlap each other? It’s the weirdest feeling. Not nice, either. I could really do without that right now. My nose is bleeding from all the blowing/ sneezing.

I’m a world-class whinger, I know!

Time for another lozenge. I think they may be a bit addictive. I love eucalyptus. Maybe I was a koala-bear in a past life. (Except, I don’t really believe in the whole past-life lark).

I’m still enjoying the whole Gary Larson thing SO much. There are a couple of things that just instantly put me in a great mood, and he is one of them.
The others would be: (off the top of my head):
Playing the piano.
Michael, in one of his ‘funny-bunny’ moods.
Any one of my sisters. (They’re all a bit loony in the sense of humour department, ha ha)
My godchildren.
Pizza. Lol (Or chocolate, while we’re on the subject).
Marion Keyes. (Or any other good authour).
Kenny Rogers, ABBA, Queen, The Supremes, etc.
Being able to walk comfortably.

My walking’s been a bit off-kilter with the whole flu-thing. Probably because I’m expending all my energy sneezing.

I am so not having a good experience with this computer chair today. First its one wheel came off, and then I managed to ride over my own foot.

Read an interesting article about Mozart yesterday. It’s the 250 year anniversary of his birth, and Salzburg, Austria is going so ballistic with the merchandise and memorabilia to commemorate it that they are thinking of re-christening it ‘Schmaltzburg’. I wouldn’t mind going, if I had the funds. They’re playing all his operas and concertos etc. during the course of their Summer.
Apparently Mozart, for all his genius, had a very crude and comic side to him. His dear wife actually had his (vulgar) private letters published for all the world to see. I must be a pretty suspicious person, because that is exactly the sort of thing that worries me about dying, i.e., that everyone will have a good old laugh at the stuff I leave behind one day.

I loved the movie ‘Amadeus’.

Smells like someone’s smoking a zol outside my window. (A zol is a hand-rolled cigarette, rolled with newspaper). Frankly, I think I prefer the smell of a zol to an ordinary cigarette, but it’s still not my favourite smell in the world.

The leaves on my beloved tree are curling up, turning brown and falling off. Winter (the bastard) is on its way.

I’m leaving now to spend the long weekend at my parents’ house. I’ll be back on Monday night, when Michael gets back. Don’t know how I’ll make it till then without blogging! I may have attachment issues to a little acre of cyber-space, lol. Till then…


Blogger Wenchy said...

Maggie - I love how you always see the positive things. You are the best.

9:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just listening to Kenny Rogers this morning :) I hope this flu will be gone soon.

3:22 pm  

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