Saturday, April 01, 2006

I feel tired and depressed.

The last couple of days have been difficult. I get so tired after small chores that I battle to walk. I seem to be having exacerbations again, after a blissful two months of not getting them.

Annie arrived at my parents’ house this morning, but I feel tearful and antisocial. I’ve been looking so forward to seeing her, and now I don’t even want to go there. The only thing I want to do is to stay in my room and eat junk food, but I’m trying to restrain myself from doing that, as it so won’t help matters.

I don’t know if I can face another round of this monster.

Of course, it just occurred to me that this is probably PMS. I’m the tearful kind of PMS victim. I have a good bawl, and then the next day I feel fine again. Here’s to hoping.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Maggs. I've noticed that you are down lately. I do hope it's just PMS. Talk to me when you need to okay? Or tell me to buy you junk food. HUGS

3:13 pm  
Blogger Nan said...

Maggie, Hope you are feeling better now. You are in my prayers. Cate

10:22 pm  

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