Quick summary
Day 4 I felt quite yucky, but not too bad, I guess.
Day 5 I felt pretty weak and spent the whole day upstairs, in bed. (Fantisizing about food, lol). I felt vaguely nauseous, on and off the whole day, and I could feel I was detoxifying quite violently. Also, the insomnia arrived last night. Didn't sleep much.
I decided to break the fast today, because Michael is going away for the weekend, and I can't see myself lying here for four days, fasting completely on my own. Uh-uh.
So this morning I had orange juice in bed (brought to my by my dreamy hubby) and immediately felt better. At a more respectable hour, I got up and had two apples. I continiued chowing away steadily all day, and my energy levels swem to be close to normal again.
Would I do it again?
Sure. Probably next month.
Hi Maggie,
I am a random reader that found you through a search engine while searching for people's juice fasting experience! I must say that I am very pleased to have found your blog! I have completed one 10-day juice fast and am about to start another.
My first fast was borderline water (I have two glasses of juice a day), and I think I'll do the same again. Water fasting is a bit too much to take on - especially since I have to maintain focus at work.
The juice/water combo was a nice way to touch the edge but not give out. I'd just drink a little juice for a pick me up if I felt weak.
Anyways, thanks for typing about your experience :)
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