Monday, May 29, 2006

So worth the wiat...

I watched LILI yesterday. I was afraid that it might be a bit of a let-down, as I had built it up so in my mind, but it wasn’t. It was just lovely. Completely charming and utterly enchanting, just as I had remembered from when I was 7 or 8. And I finally got to see the ending! It was well worth the wait. I feel as though a chapter of my childhood has finally been completed.
The film was made in 1953. It was a big hit in its day, and won at least one Oscar. The story is beautifully told, and superbly acted by the gorgeous Leslie Caron. It is one of the sweetest and most beautiful love stories I have ever watched. Really touches the heart. They just don’t make movies like this anymore.
As an added bonus, my mom and my granny, whom I haven’t seen in 7 months, came to watch it with me. What a great day.

Little Christopher is just the most gorgeous little fellow. I think he can pick up how very much wanted and loved he is by the whole family. I held him in my arms on Saturday at the hospital, and just bonded with the little sweetheart. I am so, so happy for Sonja and Jannie. They deserve their bundle of joy so very much.

On June 1 I start my water fast. I’ve been preparing for it for ages, and I think it will go well. Unfortunately, I think that the MS may be starting up again. I know from previous experience that it is not a good idea to mix fasting with a relapse. Still, I’ll give it a stab and see how it goes. My nearest and dearest aren’t so keen on me fasting. I don’t blame them, I think I stressed them out last time. But they also aren’t keen on me taking such regular doses of IV cortisone, and that is what I am trying to avoid.
I don’t want to set unrealistic expectations for this fast. I would like to do at least 7 days. According to the books that I have on the subject, one needs to fast for between 14 and 28 days to see significant benefits with a chronic illness. I would love to do at least two weeks, but I’ll have to see how it goes.
It’s scary once you’re on the fast. You don’t feel well, and pretty weak to boot. But the benefits are so huge that it is worth the discomfort. I intend to take it one day at a time, and see how it goes.

I am now the proud owner of a passport! I went and fetched it this morning. This is a big load off my mind.

I have a list of things I want to do before I start my water-fast. The passport was one of them. Getting my water distiller was another. BTW, my distiller is working brilliantly. Now I can have pure, distilled water on my fast.
Actually, I’ve done most of the things that I wanted to do already. .

My mom has lent me some really nice CD’s to listen to, and I have three new books to read that I’ve been waiting for for ages, so I’m covered as far as entertainment on the fast is concerned. And there’s the DsTV, of course. One of the worst things about the fast is the boredom and insomnia. I know this from past experience.

Each day that I fast at home saves Michael and I R1100. That is the cost per day at a fasting clinic. Michael was horrified by this, considering they don’t even have any catering costs, lol. For a 7 day fast, which is relatively short as far as fasts go, it would set a person back R7700, and that is for a room where you will be sharing! No thank you.I will be much more comfortable here at my own home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your fast Maggie. I'll be thinking of you.
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie so :)

10:01 am  
Blogger Wenchy said...

Gosh I can't believe the cost of that clinic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:50 pm  

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