Post birthday...
Back home!!
I’ve been at my folks’ house this week because: a) my sister was visiting, b) my knee/ hip/ back is still mercilessly sore.
Had quite a good week in spite of the latter, except for last night, during which I had a bit of a meltdown and threw a hissy fit about the state of my back/ knee/ hip/s/ bladder… It wasn’t pretty. My poor mom and sister! Despite new year’s resolutions and feeling totally full, I had tea and biscuits (assorted choice) because they were there, and I needed comforting. I rudely pronounced them disgusting and too sweet (huh?) and then promptly stuffed another of the wrapped chocolate one’s in my mouth. Felt a bit naar (nauseous) after eating half the box, but whatever.
Thank for my nice birthday wishes! I loved that. Only read them tonight. I had a marvelous birthday. I have a policy of really capitalizing on my b-day. On Tuesday I went to the chiro’s again (stupidly) and because the day after is always hellishly painful, I was feeling quite sore on THE day. It didn’t stop me from going to eat out, though. It was my in-laws’ treat, which I think was fantastic of them. The food was great, and the company even better. Shame, they have this tradition where the birthday person’s place-setting is encircled by flowers. My little godson, Quintus (5) noticed that I had n flowers, so he promptly went and picked flowers in the garden where we were eating our meal (including a white rose) and put them on the table in front of me. He is just the sweetest child and very special to everyone who knows him.
My back is aching as I sit here. I phoned the chiro and asked him why this should be. He said that because of my hip being out for a while, my whole body was kinda twisted to one side, so the muscles are exhausted. He suggested muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory pills, and if that doesn’t help to contact him again. So here’s to hoping. I took my first dose tonight.
I had such a fantastic afternoon/ evening with my hubby. He made his famous chicken rounders for us to eat. For dessert, we had custard flavoured yoghurt (yum). Then we had a Sudoku competition (Score: Maggie:1 Michael: 0) Yeah, baby! Then we listened to a whole bunch of ‘our’ songs, while chowing Provita crackers spread with Spring Onion and Chive flavoured (low-fat) cream-cheese. It was just so fantastic.
Like I said to him, I sometimes feel guilty that because of me there are a whole bunch of stuff that we can’t do together. Like hikinh, for instance. But then I think that some people can do those things together, and they still don’t have as much fun as we did tonight. Or, they can do those things, but they still just veg out in front of the tv and get on each other’s nerves. So I won’t waste time thinking stupid things like that again.
I figured out something important this week. Now, according to my NY’s resolutions, I should be writing down/ saying my positive affirmations three times a day. For example: ‘I enjoy perfect health’. Simple and to the point. I repeat fifteen times. The idea is to get the message across to your sub-conscious brain and ‘re-program’ it, so it starts believing it, and tries to manifest this. But I got to thinking – it doesn’t help affirming poitive ly three times a day for five minutes, and then spending the rest of the day thinking negative thoughts, such as ‘I’m never going to get better’. This is more than canceling out the good work and rendering the whole project pointless. So now I’m going to try and rev up the affirmations, and do a complete mind-switch if and when I think of any kind of negativity. So we learn.
Had a little cry when my sis left today. I’ve become such an emotional wimp, lol. We gave each other a hug and said goodbye, and she turned back and gave me this really sweet look, and I said, “Just go, before I start to cry.” She said, “Me too.”
I do love that girl so.
She’s starting her new job on Monday. I’m so excited for her.
I discovered a new piece this week. Well, two, actually. The one is a Tchaikovsky piece, the waltz from Swan Lake. I’ve always known it, it is instantly recognizable to millions, one of his most famous works. But I’ve never really listened to the whole thing through. There’s this bit at the end that is so beautiful that it makes me gasp for breath and tear up. I’m still in the honeymoon-period with it. Can’t get enough of it.
The other piece is Chopin’s Raindrop prelude. The first time I heard it, I thought it was a little plain, but now I am absolutely nuts about it. It sounds for all the world like a tin pail catching a leak in the roof during a good summer rain. Stunning. Man, but the Classics Rock!
I’m so glad that I’ve been exposed to them in my life, they have brought me so much joy. I felt a bit sad that I took piano lessons for so long, and now I can’t really play, but then I realized that if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t have the love for that type of music that I do now, and what a loss that would have been for me in my life
I have quite a bit to write still, but my back is protesting, so I’ll have to pick up tomorrow where I’ve left off.
Sleep toit, now.(Which you’ll understand if you’ve seen Austin Powers: Goldmember).
I think you are just incredible. Just so you know.
Glad you had a great birthday. I so wish I could send you my chiro, he's got special powers and would fix you up in no time (hey, Kim Bassinger even flies here from Hollywood to see him! Probably other celebs too but he won't talk). Good luck with keeping up your affirmations... I'm going for my first Psych-K treatment tomorrow and have my fingers crossed! Our minds are so damn powerful, if we could just re-program them as easily as a computer...
It's so good to get an update from you! :) I hope that back/hip/knee pain goes away quickly.
You are probably most amazing person I met in my life. Even if actually never really met.
I can't read without tears your blog. Your spirit... God!
I love what you said about your evening with Michael, and how much fun you had - much more as 99% of people that hike together.
Did you read 'Pollyanna'? Novel about the girl always seeing bright side of the life? You are my modern Pollyanna.
You are still in my prayers. I find myself at odd moments during the day praying for Maggie in South Africa. I hope you are feeling better.
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