Thursday's post
Blogger seemed to be down on Thursday, so here is the entry that should have been...
I’m feeling just fantastic! In such a spectacular mood. The euphoria and the doldrums of the meds are past, and now I’m just feeling psychologically in a really good place. I missed it.
Last night’s babysitting was a lot of fun, and little Zander came through the op like a real little trooper. Michael and I are completely enchanted by the little guy. Too enchanted – we’ll be wanting one of our own next, lol.
I have started eating right again, and I feel so good for it. Really excited, actually. You just know you will reap the rewards from putting quality food in your mouth, instead of any old crap. I even had carrot and orange juice this morning and I’m on a very pleasant spike from it.
I got a parcel in the post today, the CD that I ordered my granddad for his birthday. It’s the soundtrack of Brigadoon, and I think he will be delighted by it. It’s in the NAXOS range, and very good quality. The songs are sung by the original cast. I just can’t wait for Sunday to give it to him. It’s so nice finding a present that you know will really mean something to someone.
I’ve been listening to the songs and getting in an increasingly better mood. They are so catchy and charming. No wonder they have stood the test of time. The one song is speaking directly to me:
What a day this has been,
what a rare mood I’m in,
why, it’s almost – like being in love.
I’ve a smile on my face,
for the whole human race,
why, it’s almost – like being in love.
I think I must make myself a copy of the CD. It’s like an instant, feel-good tonic.
My sister had a bad experience at school yesterday. Her class of grade ones was sitting on the floor of the classroom. She wanted to open the door to her storeroom, and told them all to sit still. But as soon as she opened the door, the one child started performing about her finger being stuck under the door. Well, Annie bent down to have a look, and got the fright of her life. Half the baby finger was missing. She told herself, “Just keep calm, just keep calm, just keep calm…” while searching for the missing finger. She couldn’t find it. Eventually, she chanced another look at the finger. It turned out that it was an old injury, and there was just the tiniest little scratch on the stump from the door. Now that is what is called relief!
My mom came to visit me today, and her and I had such a good laugh. I told her that I got a pamphlet from the pharmacy about cord-blood storage. I have decided that if I should have a child, I will definitely pay the R6800 to have the blood cryogenically stored. My mom agreed and said that my sis should do the same if she has a child. She is my only 100% sibling, same father, same mother. Or rather, I have other 100% siblings, we just don’t have exactly the same blood ;-). But Annie and I do. And I would save the cord blood just as much for us as for the child, because there is a 25% chance that the cord blood would be a match for Annie and I, thus coming in very handy for our condition.
But reflecting on it, I mimed a little voice saying, “You used all my cord-blood!”
I guess that wouldn’t be right. Maybe my child would one day have need of its own blood, and would be very unhappy if I’d ‘used it all up’. Maybe I’d even get sued by my own child. This was what we were laughing at, and my mom said I have a very twisted sense of humour. Nothing new there, I’m afraid.
All this brought me to the realization that if I have any intention of ever availing myself of the cord blood, of this as yet fictitious child, I had better pay double or triple and have extra lots of the blood saved, which I’m sure is possible. I mean, have you seen the size of an umbilical cord? Plenty to go around.
Yes, I am twisted, what can I say?
I’m looking positively rubenesque, from the weight I’ve put on, and LOVING it. I didn’t like being so skinny, curves are what it’s all about! Michael agrees. (I’m no Dolly Parton, but at least I don’t look like I enjoyed a recent get-away at a concentration camp anymore, lol) I hope I’m not going to lose it all again now that I’m eating so well. Still, too bad if I do, I’d rather feel healthy.
Michael has become very taken with our water-distiller. I make an effort to keep bottles of distilled water in the fridge for him, and he LOVES it. Keeps thanking me for getting the distiller and saying the pure water tastes like cooldrink. I asked if he thinks we should take the distiller to the sea with us, and he said, “Of course!”.
We’re very excited about our holiday at the seaside, which is only a week away.
Think I’m going to go and listen to Brigadoon again…
Yeah!!! I can have distilled water st the sea!!! Really looking forward to spending time with you guys
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