M & I are watching our godsons, Quintus and Jason, tonight as poor little baby, Zander, has to have grommits put in his ear tonight. We are having a fun time playing at being parents for the night. Not that we have to do all that much. The boys are big enoough to bath on their own, and then they have to go to bed, seeing as how it's a weeknight, and school tomorrow.
I told Michael to supervise the running in of the bath-water, as we don't want them to get burnt. I didn't go into the bathrrom, as I thought they might be shy. Michael says he got told in no uncertain terms to get out, when the water was in, ha ha.
So M is watching tv and I am updating my blog (thanks, Mel). I just got up, and standing in the tv room, called, "Are you guys okay?" Quick as a flash, the bathrrom door slammed shut. "We're fine," I heard.
Michael has since been summoned, and I hear some sort of discussion going on there.
When they get out, it is bedtime, and I will read them a story. I think I'm looking forward to that more than they are, because they don't look that keen, lol. From the look of Quintus, he wants to stay up and play games with his Uncle.
I think I may have been a little ambitious to go to work this morning. I felt a bit wasted by the afternoon. Still, it's only data-processing, not hard grafting ;-) And also only half-day, at that. Still, I can feel I'm getting steadily stronger. This whole working lark is just what I needed to get back into some sort of reality and not the limbo I felt I was in.
I don't want to speak too soon, but I seem to have some sort of a handle on this whole ms situation. I guess I've gone through all those classic stages than one is supposed to go through, anger, denial, blah,blah,blah. Anyway, I feel like I've calmed down a lot.
Thank you so much for babysitting our boys. They are getting big though hey...can't really call it BABYsitting :) I really appreciate it that we can always rely on you guys
Such a pleasure!
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