Saturday, June 17, 2006


Yesterday I underwent a spectacular cortisone crash, and it's still going strong today. The plumpness of my face had nothing to do with weight-gain. It was only cortisone-induced swelling. I'm currently the proud owner of a flushed moonface.
I'm feeling truly awful. Nosebleeds, sickening optic neuritis pains when I move my eye-balls, depression (!) sacro-illiac pain (the beast is back, just in time to join the party). And the list goes on... my body feels bruised, did I get beat up and not remember it?

I swaer that the small dose of cortisone affects me worse than the full five day course. Flasgback to two months ago, where I said I couldn't possibly go through this every month. No way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Maggs. I'm so sorry. I'm just so sorry.

9:33 pm  

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